Cybersecurity Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide by Danush

Cybersecurity Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide by Danush

Cybersecurity Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide by Danush

Cybersecurity Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide by Danush

In a world where digital threats are constantly evolving, small and medium businesses (SMBs) face unique cybersecurity challenges. Danush, a leading cybersecurity expert, presents a comprehensive guide to cybersecurity strategies tailored specifically for SMBs, incorporating a wide range of services to protect their digital landscape.

Understanding the Need for Robust Cybersecurity in SMBs

SMBs are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to perceived vulnerabilities in their security systems. These businesses often lack the resources of larger corporations but face similar, if not greater, risks. Therefore, a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity.

Danush’s Cybersecurity Services for SMBs

Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing:

Identifying potential vulnerabilities is the first step in fortifying your defenses. Our services include simulated cyberattacks to detect and mitigate risks, ensuring a robust security infrastructure for SMBs.

Endpoint Security Solutions (Security Operation Center):

We provide cutting-edge solutions to secure end-user devices against malware and unauthorized access. Our endpoint security is designed to protect the integral points of entry into your network.

Incident Response Planning and Execution:

Quick and effective response to security incidents is crucial. We help SMBs develop and refine incident response plans, ensuring swift action to minimize the impact of any security breach.

Security Awareness Training:

Educating your workforce is a critical line of defense. Our training programs focus on the latest cyber threats and best practices, fostering a security-aware culture within your organization.

Cloud Security Assessments:

As more SMBs move to the cloud, ensuring the security of cloud infrastructure becomes paramount. We evaluate and enhance cloud security, safeguarding data confidentiality and integrity.

Regulatory Compliance Audits:

Our compliance audits ensure that your business adheres to industry-specific regulations, creating a secure and compliant operational environment.

Ransomware Analysis and Mitigation:

Proactive identification and analysis of ransomware threats are vital. We implement robust measures to prevent, detect, and respond to ransomware incidents, safeguarding your digital assets.

Cybersecurity Policy Implementation:

Tailoring cybersecurity policies to fit your business needs is essential. We ensure compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Cybersecurity Audit Services:

Comprehensive assessments by our team help identify vulnerabilities and strengthen security postures. We provide an in-depth analysis of your networks, applications, and systems for proactive threat mitigation.

Cybercrime Services:

Our services extend to investigating and responding to cybercrime incidents. We collaborate with law enforcement to mitigate the impact of cyber threats effectively.


For small and medium businesses, cybersecurity is an investment in the continuity and integrity of their operations. Danush’s comprehensive approach ensures that SMBs can build a digital fortress around their assets, tailored to their specific needs and challenges. By embracing a holistic and proactive cybersecurity strategy, SMBs can navigate the digital world with confidence and resilience.

5 Common Cybersecurity Myths For SMBs Debunked

5 Common Cybersecurity Myths for SMBs Debunked

In the rapidly evolving world of information technology, cybersecurity remains a critical concern, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). However, several myths surround cybersecurity in the SMB sector, often leading to inadequate protection strategies. Here, we debunk five common myths to help SMBs navigate the cybersecurity landscape more effectively.

Myth 1: Small Businesses Aren’t Targeted by Hackers

Reality: Contrary to popular belief, SMBs are frequently targeted by cybercriminals. Small businesses often have less stringent security measures, making them attractive targets. In fact, data suggests that a significant percentage of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses. It’s crucial for SMBs to recognize their risk and invest in robust cybersecurity defenses.

Myth 2: Basic Antivirus Software is Sufficient Protection

Reality: While antivirus software is an essential component of cybersecurity, it’s not a foolproof solution. Cyber threats have evolved to be more sophisticated, and relying solely on antivirus software leaves businesses vulnerable to various other attack vectors like phishing, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats. Comprehensive security strategies must include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits.

Myth 3: Cybersecurity is Too Expensive for SMBs

Reality: Many SMBs operate under the misconception that cybersecurity is prohibitively expensive, reserved only for larger corporations. However, the cost of implementing effective cybersecurity measures is often less than the potential losses from a data breach. Solutions tailored for SMBs are available, balancing cost and security needs.

Myth 4: Strong Passwords are Enough to Keep Your Business Safe

Reality: While strong passwords are an essential first line of defense, they’re not infallible. Cyber attackers employ various techniques, such as brute force attacks and social engineering, to bypass password protections. Businesses should implement additional security measures like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and educate employees about secure password practices.

Myth 5: Cybersecurity is Solely an IT Department Concern

Reality: Cybersecurity is a company-wide responsibility. Human error is one of the leading causes of security breaches. Training and educating all staff members about common cyber threats and safe online practices are as important as having a dedicated IT team to handle technical aspects. Creating a culture of cybersecurity awareness can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.


Debunking these myths is the first step towards establishing a stronger cybersecurity posture for SMBs. In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, staying informed and proactive is key. Danush Systems And Solutions, with its extensive experience in the IT sector, understands these challenges and is committed to helping SMBs navigate these complexities, ensuring that their cybersecurity measures are both effective and manageable.

India’s PDP Act: Future of Data Privacy & Its Impact on Your Business – Are You Ready?

India’s PDP Act: Future of Data Privacy & Its Impact on Your Business – Are You Ready?

Introduction: A New Chapter in Data Privacy

With the Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (PDPA), India has embarked on a bold journey towards a more transparent and accountable data protection regime. Understanding this critical legislation and its potential impact on your business is vital. Here, Danush provides the insights and support to navigate this complex landscape.

Part I: Understanding the PDPA – More Than a Legal Requirement

1. Individual Rights and Organizational Responsibilities

The PDPA empowers individuals and enforces stringent regulations on data handling. From consent to data portability, the law changes the way organizations interact with personal information.

2. Global Alignment: India’s Place on the World Stage

The PDPA aligns India with global standards, fostering international trust and collaboration.

Part II: Consequences of Breaches and Non-Compliance

Understanding the penalties and implications of non-compliance is essential for businesses. Here are the potential consequences:

1. Fines: Financial Penalties That Hurt

The Data Protection Authority of India (DPAI) can impose fines up to Rs. 250 crore (approximately $33 million) for serious violations.

2. Cease and Desist Orders: Halting Illegal Practices

Immediate cessation of illegal activities may be ordered, disrupting business operations.

3. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): Mandatory Assessments

Organizations may be required to assess privacy risks related to specific processing activities.

4. Appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO): Overseeing Compliance

A DPO might be mandatory for “significant data fiduciaries” to oversee compliance.

5. Public Censure: The Power of Public Shaming

Public shaming can be a potent tool against organizations that violate the law.

6. Reputational Damage and Legal Liability: Long-Term Implications

Beyond DPAI’s penalties, violations can lead to lasting reputational harm and legal action from individuals.

Part III: How Danush Can Guide Your Journey to Compliance

1. Comprehensive Assessments: Understanding Your Needs

From DPIAs to tailored security measures, Danush helps you navigate the complexities of compliance.

2. Tailored Solutions: Building a Resilient Framework

We create customized solutions that align with your unique business landscape.

3. Education & Training: Preparing Your Team

Danush educates your team on data protection essentials, turning potential weaknesses into strengths.

4. Ongoing Support: Your Trusted Partner

With Danush, you stay ahead of the curve, adapting to the latest developments in data protection law.

Conclusion: Your Partner in Data Privacy Compliance

The PDPA is a landmark legislation that affects every aspect of business operations. The penalties for non-compliance are severe, and the need for professional guidance is paramount.

Danush, with 30+ years of expertise in IT and data protection, is your ideal partner in this new era. ‘Making IT Simple’ is not just our tagline; it’s our commitment to your success.

The PDPA is a wake-up call for businesses in India. It is time to start taking data privacy seriously. By complying with the PDPA, businesses can show their customers that they are committed to protecting their privacy. This is essential for building trust and loyalty in the digital age

Are you ready for the future of data privacy? Contact Danush today for support that’s tailored to your needs.

Fill out the form for a personalized consultation with Danush team.

Transforming Manufacturing IT: Empowering C-Level Executives for Success


In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, staying ahead of technological challenges is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and securing a competitive edge. As a C-level executive, you understand the pivotal role that IT infrastructure and cybersecurity play in your company’s success. This blog delves into the critical aspects of transforming manufacturing IT, highlighting key areas of focus to ensure your operations thrive.

The Need for Advanced IT Solutions in Manufacturing

Manufacturing today is driven by technology. From automated production lines to data-driven decision-making, robust IT systems are the backbone of modern manufacturing operations. However, the complexity and critical nature of these systems mean that any downtime or security breach can have significant repercussions. Here’s why advanced IT solutions are indispensable:

1. Operational Continuity

Minimizing downtime is crucial to maintaining productivity and meeting production deadlines. Advanced IT solutions ensure your systems are reliable and resilient, reducing the risk of disruptions.

2. Data Security

Protecting sensitive data from cyber threats and ensuring compliance with industry regulations is paramount. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures safeguards your intellectual property and maintains customer trust.

3. Scalability

Adapting IT infrastructure to meet evolving business needs without compromising performance or security is essential. Scalable solutions allow for growth and flexibility, ensuring your IT systems can handle increased demand and new technologies.

Key IT Solutions for Manufacturing

1. Industry-Specific Expertise

Leveraging IT solutions designed specifically for the manufacturing industry ensures that your unique needs are met. This includes understanding the importance of minimizing downtime, maximizing productivity, and integrating seamlessly with existing processes.

2. 24/7 Monitoring and Support

Round-the-clock monitoring and support services are essential for preventing disruptions and maintaining seamless operations. Proactive monitoring identifies and resolves issues before they impact production, ensuring continuous operation.

3. Customized IT Solutions

Tailoring IT solutions to your specific manufacturing processes ensures optimal performance and integration. Customized solutions address your unique challenges and support your operational goals.

4. Proactive Maintenance

Proactive maintenance goes beyond regular updates. Continuous monitoring and preemptive issue resolution keep your operations running smoothly, reducing the risk of unexpected downtimes and enhancing efficiency.

Comprehensive IT Services for Manufacturing

IT Managed Services:

  • Network Management: Optimizing your network infrastructure for high performance and reliability ensures robust connectivity and data flow.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Protecting critical manufacturing data with robust backup solutions and rapid recovery processes ensures your data is safe and quickly retrievable.
  • Cloud Solutions: Leveraging cloud technology enhances flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, allowing your operations to adapt to evolving needs.

Cybersecurity Solutions:

  • Threat Detection and Prevention: Implementing advanced security measures protects your systems from cyber threats and data breaches.
  • Compliance Management: Ensuring your operations comply with industry regulations and standards reduces the risk of legal issues and enhances trust with stakeholders.
  • Incident Response: Rapid response and mitigation minimize impact in case of security incidents, restoring normalcy swiftly.

How Advanced IT Solutions Benefit C-Level Executives

Strategic Focus

By implementing advanced IT solutions, you can focus on strategic decision-making and business growth while IT experts handle the complexities of IT management and cybersecurity. This allows you to concentrate on core business activities.

Risk Mitigation

Robust cybersecurity measures protect your business from potential threats, ensuring the safety of sensitive data and compliance with industry regulations. This reduces the risk of costly security breaches and legal issues.

Cost Efficiency

Optimizing operational costs through IT Managed Services and Cloud Solutions ensures you get the best value from your IT investments, supporting long-term business growth. Enhanced scalability and efficiency make your IT infrastructure cost-effective and future-proof.


In the competitive world of manufacturing, robust IT infrastructure and cybersecurity are crucial. Leveraging industry-specific expertise, 24/7 support, and customized solutions tailored to your needs ensures your business is equipped for success. Transform your manufacturing IT today to achieve operational excellence and sustainable growth

The Secret Weapon for SMB Business Success

As a SMB owner, you likely wear many hats and juggle multiple responsibilities on a daily basis. From managing finances and operations to marketing and sales, there is always something on your plate. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to do everything on your own.

That’s where managed services come in. A managed service is a third-party company such as Danush that provides a range of IT and/or business-related services on a contract basis. These services are designed to help businesses run more efficiently and effectively, while also reducing costs and increasing productivity.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of managed services and how they can be a secret weapon for small and medium business success.

Benefit #1: Cost Savings

One of the biggest benefits of managed services is the potential for cost savings. When you hire a managed service provider like Danush, you only pay for the services you need, rather than paying for an in-house team of IT professionals or business consultants. This can be a significant cost-saving measure, especially for small and medium businesses that may not have the budget for a full-time IT staff.

Additionally, managed service providers often have economies of scale and can offer services at a lower cost than an individual business could on its own. For example, a managed service provider may have access to bulk discounts on hardware and software purchases, which can save your business money.

Benefit #2: Expertise and Support

Another advantage of managed services is the expertise and support you’ll receive. Managed service providers are experts in their field and can provide specialized knowledge and support that may be beyond the scope of your in-house team. This can be particularly beneficial for small and medium businesses that may not have the resources or expertise to handle certain tasks on their own.

For example, if you’re struggling with cybersecurity issues, a managed service provider can provide the necessary expertise to help you secure your systems and protect your business from cyber threats. Or, if you’re looking to implement a new business process or technology, a managed service provider can provide the guidance and support you need to ensure a smooth implementation.

Benefit #3: Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Managed services can also help improve efficiency and productivity within your business. When you outsource certain tasks to a managed service provider, you free up time and resources that can be better used elsewhere. This can help you focus on core business functions and allow you to be more productive and efficient.

Additionally, managed service providers often have the latest tools and technologies at their disposal, which can help streamline and automate certain processes. This can help save time and reduce errors, improving overall efficiency and productivity.

Benefit #4: Scalability

Finally, managed services offer scalability. As your business grows and changes, your needs may change as well. With managed services, you can easily scale up or down as needed, ensuring that you have the resources and support you need to meet your business objectives. This can be especially beneficial for small and medium businesses that may not have the budget or resources to handle large scale projects on their own.

In conclusion, managed services can be a secret weapon for small and medium business success. They offer cost savings, expertise and support, improved efficiency and productivity, and scalability. By outsourcing certain tasks to a managed service provider, you can focus on core business functions, reduce costs, and increase productivity, all while ensuring that you have the resources and support you need to succeed.

How to Choose the Right Managed Services Provider?

When it comes to choosing a managed services provider, there are several factors that SMBs should consider to ensure they select the best provider for their needs. Some key considerations include:

Reputation: It is important to select a provider with a good reputation in the industry. Look for providers that have a track record of success and customer satisfaction.

Services Offered: Make sure the provider offers the specific services that your business needs. Don’t be afraid to ask for references or case studies to see how the provider has helped similar businesses.

Pricing: Consider the cost of the managed services in relation to the value they provide. While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest option, it is important to ensure that the

What is a Turnkey Project?

Turnkey project is one of the most special modes of carrying out international business. The turnkey project means, a contractor or a firm agrees to fully design, construct and equip a manufacturing unit, business, service facility and turn the project over to the client when it is ready for operation for remuneration.

The term turn-key project describes a project in which the supplier or provider is responsible to the client for the entire result of the project and presents it to the client completely finished and ready to use.

In fact, the client should be able to “just turn the key.” The supplier of a turnkey project is called the general contractor or main supplier or main contractor. In other terms the turnkey project are called as turn-key solution, turn-key delivery, or ready-to-use.

What is Turnkey Business?

A company with a business model that has already been set. Most of the franchises operate in this way. For example, if one wishes to open a franchise, everything from the products to the uniforms are already been determined. One only needs to put up the appropriate capital and start the business.

What is Turnkey Construction?

Turnkey construction is a building solution that drastically simplifies things for the owner of the project. With this type of project, the contractor is given the responsibility from designing to construction of the Building or facility. The owner must only wait for the contractor get the job done, and then when the project is finished, the client is able to “turn the key” and start using the new building or facility.

These types of contracts have three primary components:

  1. Design: The contractor is responsible for preparing the design of the Building or facility, which eliminates the need for the future owner to hire architects and designers independently.
  2. Supply Procurement: Instead of the project owner or main contractor locating and purchasing supplies, the contractor handles this through his own network of suppliers. Depending on the type of turnkey contract, the future owner may be able to specify suppliers and materials.
  3. Construction: The contractor or the firm handles every aspect of construction, from start to finish. This way, the owner doesn’t need to spend time searching for subcontractors and hire them, nor do they have to take part in the construction itself until it is completed. Once the building construction is done, the keys are handed over to the new owner and he can start using the building.

The advantage to turnkey construction over other types of contracts is that the main contractors who are strapped for time won’t have to take an active role in the design, supply purchasing, and construction phases. Project owners or employers need only provide access to the site, help with the procurement of licenses and permits, and approve phases of the project as stipulated by the contract.

The term turn-key project describes a project in which the supplier or provider is responsible to the client for the entire result of the project and presents it to the client completely finished and ready to use.

In fact, the client should be able to “just turn the key.” The supplier of a turnkey project is called the general contractor or main supplier or main contractor. In other terms the turnkey project are called as turn-key solution, turn-key delivery, or ready-to-use.

What is Turnkey Business?

A company with a business model that has already been set. Most of the franchises operate in this way. For example, if one wishes to open a franchise, everything from the products to the uniforms are already been determined. One only needs to put up the appropriate capital and start the business.

What is Turnkey Construction?

Turnkey construction is a building solution that drastically simplifies things for the owner of the project. With this type of project, the contractor is given the responsibility from designing to construction of the Building or facility. The owner must only wait for the contractor get the job done, and then when the project is finished, the client is able to “turn the key” and start using the new building or facility.

These types of contracts have three primary components:

  1. Design: The contractor is responsible for preparing the design of the Building or facility, which eliminates the need for the future owner to hire architects and designers independently.
  2. Supply Procurement: Instead of the project owner or main contractor locating and purchasing supplies, the contractor handles this through his own network of suppliers. Depending on the type of turnkey contract, the future owner may be able to specify suppliers and materials.
  3. Construction: The contractor or the firm handles every aspect of construction, from start to finish. This way, the owner doesn’t need to spend time searching for subcontractors and hire them, nor do they have to take part in the construction itself until it is completed. Once the building construction is done, the keys are handed over to the new owner and he can start using the building.

The advantage to turnkey construction over other types of contracts is that the main contractors who are strapped for time won’t have to take an active role in the design, supply purchasing and construction phases. Project owners or employers need only provide access to the site, help with the procurement of licenses and permits, and approve phases of the project as stipulated by the contract.

Top Tips to choosing the right business consulting firm

1. Define your goals and think Why You Need a Consulting Firm

  • Your company should consider its position before hiring a consultant. what is your position in the market, and where would you like to be? Identifying your shortfalls first.
  • Don’t even think of hiring a consultant until you figure out why you’re incapable of taking care of the in-house problems. The best consulting firms wants you to maximize the efficiency.
  • Know your limitations, they can take the easy way to charge you at a high hourly rate for something relatively simple. If that’s the case, you probably wouldn’t allow them to work for you.
  • Fully understand the goals and objectives of the company. It will help you get the level of service expected from the consultant and guarantee a mutually beneficial relationship.

2. Do a proper Market research

The biggest work or important work is to research about your industry to determine who the major, mid-level and minor players are.

You must have done this research by the time you get to No. 1. It’s difficult to know where you’re positioned in the market if you’re unaware of all the players in the market.

There are a lot of ways you can research the market:

  • Sending out surveys and questionnaires
  • Starting a focus group
  • Interviewing experts or friendly rivals
  • Primary sources are excellent for the most up-to-date and reliable information.
  • Find previously published data and see what it tells you
  • Read relevant books, magazines and websites in your industry

3. Look at Experience

  • You’ll get a lot of advice to “get the most experienced” consultant. Experience is important, but always that’s not the best advice.
  • In the consulting world, Experience means connections. To whom is the consultant affiliated? Who have they worked or done business with in the past or currently?
  • You don’t need several connections either. Look at the client’s project they worked on. If a consultant has proven themselves on a high-profile project as similar to yours, then that could be all the “proof” you need to hire.
  • In these times, you’ll see many people claiming they’re a “consultant.” But how did they prove that in the real world? If the project and price are right, you might try a newbie, but that’s not something you’ll want to do when millions of dollars and your company reputation are at stake.

4. Talk to the Firm You Are Serious About Hiring

Just don’t hire a company sight-unseen because they worked for some hugely successful company. Get a real human face in front of you, preferably the one you’ll be working with for the entirety of your project. Arrange a talk with your consultant, whether in person or on the phone, will give you the opportunity to have peace of mind with your decision.

Such direct contact will:

  • Let you experience how they communicate
  • Ask follow-up questions that might not occur to you while reading their resume
  • Clear up any misunderstandings you both might have about the project
  • Gauge how they compare to any competitors in their market
  • Understand the real value they claim to have created for their clients so you can then check it
  • Boutique consulting firms particularly are great about making the time for you, but larger firms who take you seriously will also be glad to make time (and possibly expenses) for you.

5. Ask for references

  • Good consultants have a long list of happy clients. Talk with current and past clients to learn more about what the experience was like and how effective it really was.
  • References provided to you by the consultant most likely will tell you exactly what the consultant wants you to hear, and many times, their praise will be well-paid.
  • It’s important to investigate. Find the companies either directly in or next to the industry. See what they express about the consultant.
  • This serves a few purposes. It can Affirm the value of the consultant or Highlight issues they may try to sweep under the rug and show you how much of an impression they’ve left on your industry.
  • Reputation and familiarity can be important even if the people you’re talking to haven’t worked with the consultant directly. If they’ve left a deep impression, whether it be positive or negative, you should be able to gauge it from these types of conversations.

6. Check about their work process Before You Hire Them

  • Hiring a consultant for the first time is like You want to be involved in the work, but you also want them to do the work you’re hiring them to do.
  • You can’t just be a micromanager when bringing someone on board. You need to learn to trust their expertise, especially when paying their rates. This ensures they will deliver the level of expectation you’ve set for them.
  • Having a clear understanding about their process will help you know what to expect from them.
  • Having this conversation before you start will help you avoid contracting someone who’s difficult to work with. If you hire the firm anyway, it will prepare you and your team for potential complications before they arise.

7. Make an Agreement

  • A written document provides clear protections for you and the consultant. This solidifies understanding, and it calls out any last minute miscommunications before you officially begin the relationship.
  • It also specifies terms they must meet certain milestones within a specified time and provides for contingencies should those terms change.


1.Backup your data.

The single biggest thing that will defeat ransomware is having a regularly updated backup. If you are attacked with ransomware you may lose that document you started earlier this morning, but if you can restore your system to an earlier snapshot or clean up your machine and restore your other lost documents from backup, you can rest easy.  Always maintain backup & policy.

2. Offline Backup.

Remember that Cryptolocker will also encrypt files on drives that are mapped. This includes any external drives such as a USB thumb drive, as well as any network, nas or cloud file stores that you have assigned a drive letter. So, what you need is a regular & routine backup, to an external drive or cloud backup service, one that is not assigned a drive letter or is disconnected when it is not doing backup.  Always maintain multiple copies of Offline backups.

3. Antivirus.

Maintain up-to-date anti-virus software with antiransomware, and scan all software downloaded from the internet prior to executing.
Disable RDP the Cryptolocker / Filecoder malware often accesses target machines using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), a Windows utility that allows others to access your desktop remotely.

4. Firewall.

Ransomware attacks are becoming more targeted, tailored and stealthy. But they are still capable of wreaking havoc on organizations’ networks, encrypting files and extorting payment for retrieval.
Modern firewalls are purpose-built to defend against these kinds of attacks, but they need to be given an opportunity to do their job.  Configure & Maintain the firewalls regularly.

5. Create Awareness about Ransomware

Educate all the users & employees about the ransomware and its negative effects.  Create awareness about the data backup & its importance.  

How to respond to a ransomware infection

  • Isolate the infected system. Remove the infected system from all networks, and disable the computer’s wireless, Bluetooth, and any other potential networking capabilities. Ensure all shared and networked drives are disconnected whether wired or wireless. 
  • Turn off other computers and devices. Power-off and segregate any other computers or devices that shared a network with the infected computer(s) that have not been fully encrypted by ransomware
  • Immediately report ransomware incidents to your IT Helpdesk or IT Partner.
  • Change all system passwords once the ransomware has been removed.

How do IT Managed Services help your Business ?

IT Managed Service refers to outsourcing the internal IT tasks to a third-party vendor with the understanding that the contractor is responsible for smooth functioning and business of the equipment and processes.

The Concept of managed services for IT is to taking responsibility of maintaining IT services from the company to the managed services provider. This enables internal IT teams to focus on projects that add long-term strategic value to a company as maintenance like repairing faulty hardware, office printer’s toner ink, etc. And, by employing a managed services provider you’re effectively making use of your vendor’s wealth of experience in fixing and troubleshooting IT issues. There’s a strong chance that your internal staff doesn’t have the same skills or depth of knowledge.

How Does Managed IT services work?

In this section, we’ll discuss popular services that managed service providers typically offer. Please note this isn’t an exhaustive list and there may be other services, too.

Remote management and monitoring : It is the practice of monitoring client IT environments. Also referred as remote IT management, this service helps managed providers ensure their clients’ networks are in optimum condition.

Remote monitoring ultimately ensures optimal network functioning, enhances performance and helps to detect issues before a critical system breakdown.

Cloud computing: Computer resources such as data storage, is a crucial business function in the internet era. Managed providers take the responsibility of migrating legacy organizations to the cloud as well as servicing and maintaining the infrastructure. That’s an essential value addition for organizations that may not have this expertise in-house or are unclear of how to go about their cloud migration plan.

Benefits of Managed IT services.

  • When Do You Need Managed IT ?
  • Questions you Should You Ask a Managed IT Service Provider ?

IT Help Desk have two major functions. One is to resolve the IT issues of internal employees such as a malfunctioning laptop or internet outage. Another is to resolve queries of customers, typically via email, live chat, or telephone inquiries.

Cyber Security : Cyber-attacks are a real big threat to businesses now a days, It Is becoming big challenge to organisations, IT Managed Services providers ensure Security with things like anti-malware protection, security reporting, and system monitoring to provide a robust security environment. They’ll also train your staff in security best practices as employees are usually the weakest link in the chain.

Device Management sometimes falls under cyber security but can also be a standalone function. It refers to securing employee devices to enforce internal controls and maintain a credible level of IT safeguards.

Device management is particularly applicable for organizations which deal with critical customer data such as financial services or any kind of organizations. Managed IT Service providers take responsibility for security patches as well as ensuring everyone on the network complies with industry best practices.

How to Price Managed IT services

The popular methods of pricing managed IT services are typically either per-device, per-user, or a flat fee every month that covers all services or it can be customized too.

However, there’s no fixed mechanism and each contract between a managed service provider and client deals with pricing issues differently.

Advantages of Managed IT services

It’s an undeniable fact: businesses have more internal IT requirements compare to earlier days. That’s where managed IT firms can fill the gap. They help firms concentrate on their core business tasks while assisting change in systems and processes where needed. They also keep you up-to-date with the modern technology.

Danush Systems and Solutions have helped hundreds of companies to achieve greater profitability and efficiency by taking care of internal IT processes and functions. Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help your business!

How Protected is Your Business from Cyber Threats?

Cyber Security is important for all kind of organizations as the data transmission and access control to computers are more threatening now a days because of Cyber Attacks all over the world. Social Networks and legal organisations also may collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of data on computers and other devices. A significant portion of that data can be sensitive information, As like property, financial data, personal information, or few other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure could have negative consequences. Organizations transmit sensitive data across networks and to other devices in the course of doing businesses, and Cyber Security Protect your Devices with the discipline dedicated to protecting that information and the systems used to process or storage of it. As the volume and sophistication of Cyber-Attacks grow, companies and organizations, especially those that are tasked with safeguarding information relating confidential to protect their sensitive business and personnel information.